Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SQL Injection through HTTP Headers

While not specific to PHP, security is something that all developers need to think about in their applications. To that end, the Infosec Institute has published this guide to helping you prevent SQL injection attacks that could come in via the HTTP headers of requests to your site.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Microsoft Launches Bing Desktop Beta, Search To Your Windows 7 Desktop – Download Now

Microsoft has released a new piece of beta software, and this time it’s search-based. Called the Bing Desktop Beta, the software is, predictably, a beta release of a desktop-based search tool that Microsoft is hoping will give people a reason to make the switch to its search engine, and leave Google behind once and for all.
The app itself is something of an oddity. For starters, it doesn’t really do a great deal other than offer two features, both arguably a little on the boring side and one definitely a tad on the pointless side. Think we’re being harsh? Then read on!
Download Bing Desktop Beta for Windows

Silverlight 4 Facebook Client Released for Windows and Mac

Microsoft has just released Silverlight 4 based facebook client for both Windows and Mac OS X. Back in April last year, Microsoft showed off a proof of concept facebook client which was made using facebook’s Open Stream API on Silverlight but unfortunately that never saw the light of the day. After a long wait, they have finally released a fully working client for users running Windows and OS X – with full capability to run it out-of-the browser